​"There is no end to education"
Come and join us at A to Z Too
Free Full Day Pre-K For All​ (4 years old) 8:00am-2:20pm
Pre- K For All is a FREE program offered to children born 2013. This program allows children to learn in various areas including, science, social studies, language and math. With a structured classroom environment that provides routine and consistency, children are allowed to choose what areas they would like to explore as well as participate in teacher directed activities. Children will have the opportunity to build strong relationships with peers; they will learn to share, cooperate and gain respect for one another.
Our Pre-K For All follows the DOE's Units of Study Curriculum, which are aligned with the Pre-Kindergarten Foundation for the Common Core.
A to Z Center Too also offers Extended Care for Pre-K students from 2:20pm-6:00pm. This program allows working families the opportunity to have their children involved in an educational and safe environment while they are at work.
​Daycare (2-4 years old) 7:00am-6:00pm
Our Day Care hours operate from 7am to 6pm . The most important part of our program is that our children get the opportunity to explore in a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment. Our program is designed to provide social emotional, physical, language and cognitive skills for our young students in a friendly and safe learning environment. Our carefully planned programs focus on providing each student with plenty of hands on learning experiences, social interactions with other children and adults.
School Age Program and Summer Program (6-12 years old)
Our After School Program is offered between the hours of 2pm to 6pm. Students are provided with help in their homework in areas such as reading, writing, math and more.
As the summer season begins, A to Z Too offers a variety of activities and an academic enrichment program that will be provided for students. Our Summer Program begins June 28 and runs through September 2. The school day hours will operate from 7am to 6 pm. This program is broken up into two sessions, morning and afternoon. Our morning session is designed to help students academically by reinforcing what they have learned or missed through out the school year. The afternoon session consist of a more physical and emotional approach, with activities such as music, flied trips, sports, dance and arts & crafts.

We serve breakfast, lunch and snack.
All meals are served family style.